When you book with an account, you will be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
When you book with an account, you will be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
Objekat se nalazi iznad hotela „Lighthouse“, u neposrednoj blizini Gradskog parka. U sklopu vile se nalazi i restoran. Udaljenost do plaže je oko 250 metara.
doručak i večera (polupansion)
boravišna taksa
Djeca do 2 godine GRATIS
Djeca od 2-7 godina plaćaju 70% od cijene smještaja, u pratnji 2 odrasle osobe
Djeca od 7-14 godina plaćaju 80% od cijene smještaja, u pratnji 2 odrasle osobe
When you book with an account, you will be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.